With three days to go, I'm putting ticks to my checklist item by item. I've checked all my camera equipment and accessories, testing the system so I am both familiar with them and satisfied that they work. I'm packing my bag with all the necessary items so I can take good shots and bring them home.
I think it's important to be meticulous during preparation - to check that everything is in tip top operating condition. Afterall, someone once told me that success is dependant on 90% preparation, 5% execution and 5% luck. And those from Scouts would be familiar with the motto "Be Prepared".
Whilst preparing for this trip, I muse over how many of us would spend lots of time preparing for trips and excursions, even if they are short ones like a day out for a picnic or a weekend break. We check for the lowest fares, we ask around for the best prices, we note the must-sees and the must-dos. Yet, how many of us are truly prepared for the greatest journey called "Life"?
I recall conversations with friends about various life journeys - deciding on University courses, choice of University or scholarship, career, career switch, settling down... It's funny how these journeys are really much more significant than a short weekend break or a summer vacation, but they received significantly lesser amount of attention.
My favourite question is as always "What do you want?" and to that question, I get a variety of responses. Some get all excited because they know exactly what they want. Others look as if a comet just hit them in the face. Most don't know. Or they just choose to let life unravel itself.
Granted that there is really no way of telling what the future brings - just like I wouldn't know what my journey to the source would eventually look like - but planning helps me get closer to where I want to go. And preparing for the trip allows me to enjoy it the way I want to. Otherwise, I may end up at a totally different place, or worse, get into trouble. I'd rather not leave too much to chance.
I like the analogy of planning for life like planning for a trip . If we spent months or weeks planning for a holiday, then how much time are we spending on preparing for a University course, a career, a marriage? Shouldn't we spend a proportionate amount of time on preparing for the future we want to see?
I know some of my friends out there are at their first major cross-road of life. It's really a scary and yet exciting time, and sometimes, the answers are not all that apparent. But take heart. Great journeys start with a single first step. Let the heart be the compass. Then let the head figure the path. And once the direction and path are set, prepare! Prepare so you are equipped to deal with what is to come. Prepare so can make the best of the journey. And prepare so you can enjoy the ride.
How are you packing your bag?
I think it's important to be meticulous during preparation - to check that everything is in tip top operating condition. Afterall, someone once told me that success is dependant on 90% preparation, 5% execution and 5% luck. And those from Scouts would be familiar with the motto "Be Prepared".
Whilst preparing for this trip, I muse over how many of us would spend lots of time preparing for trips and excursions, even if they are short ones like a day out for a picnic or a weekend break. We check for the lowest fares, we ask around for the best prices, we note the must-sees and the must-dos. Yet, how many of us are truly prepared for the greatest journey called "Life"?
I recall conversations with friends about various life journeys - deciding on University courses, choice of University or scholarship, career, career switch, settling down... It's funny how these journeys are really much more significant than a short weekend break or a summer vacation, but they received significantly lesser amount of attention.
My favourite question is as always "What do you want?" and to that question, I get a variety of responses. Some get all excited because they know exactly what they want. Others look as if a comet just hit them in the face. Most don't know. Or they just choose to let life unravel itself.
Granted that there is really no way of telling what the future brings - just like I wouldn't know what my journey to the source would eventually look like - but planning helps me get closer to where I want to go. And preparing for the trip allows me to enjoy it the way I want to. Otherwise, I may end up at a totally different place, or worse, get into trouble. I'd rather not leave too much to chance.
I like the analogy of planning for life like planning for a trip . If we spent months or weeks planning for a holiday, then how much time are we spending on preparing for a University course, a career, a marriage? Shouldn't we spend a proportionate amount of time on preparing for the future we want to see?
I know some of my friends out there are at their first major cross-road of life. It's really a scary and yet exciting time, and sometimes, the answers are not all that apparent. But take heart. Great journeys start with a single first step. Let the heart be the compass. Then let the head figure the path. And once the direction and path are set, prepare! Prepare so you are equipped to deal with what is to come. Prepare so can make the best of the journey. And prepare so you can enjoy the ride.
How are you packing your bag?
1 comment:
Hi there, hope your journey has been smooth thus far. Your last sentence spurred me to post a comment - "How are you packing your bag?" On hindsight, I realised I have pretty much let life fall into my lap and let my emotions control my actions. Your example and actions have always spurned me to look inwards to better myself as an individual. Currently, my post as a BC has given me an opportunity to make a difference (hopefully, positive!) to many young pple's lives. Watching them grow into soldiers is most heartening. Being a leader is extremely tough, it's always about your pple and never about oneself. Am sure that you will find answers to your questions. Will be packing my own bag for a field camp next week! ;-) Will read your blog whenever I'm free! ;-D
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