View from my room at Jie Gu Bin Guan, Jyekundo (Yu Shu). Elevation 3,700m (plus three storeys). Climbing a simple flight of stairs made me breathless.
Welcome to my room for the night
The complete toilet experience. There is a full set of toiletteries including toothbrush, comb, shower caps, face towels and bath towels. And most importantly - hot water!
We went to a restaurant run by folks from Szechuan - there are lots of them working outside Sezchuan, even in such harsh climates. Mr Shi says Szechuan is over-populated - can't find employment. The steamed dumpling was filling and the hotpot of vegetable soup was what I needed badly.
After dinner, I headed straight for bed. It was about 10pm when my head started banging like a construction site. I knew that AMS had begin to strike and so I popped two panadols like the night before. But the headache didn't go away, and the dogs barking outside (there were some travellers who were unloading or loading their vehicle) plus the smoke emitting from a coal fire chimney right below my window made it impossible for to go to sleep immediately.
I tossed and turned in bed, trying to keep warm, keep the pain away from my head and keep the limited oxygen flowing into my lungs. I kept breathing hard and deliberately. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by a sense that I may just suffocate. I took deep breaths and calmed myself down, focusing only on the rhythm of my breathing, ignoring the smell of coal and the endless sounds of the barking dogs. It was not until about 2:30am that I fell asleep...
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